I most contexts, no. It can be considered an error if viewed from a programmer's perspective, because a bug is viewed as an error in the code of a program. If it is not viewed from a similar perspective, then it is not a synonym. Thesaurus.com can be a helpful place for you.
There are multiple sources for <u>graphic organizers for informational text</u>. Google the phrase. You will find various visuasl structures that will help you organize information into categories, such as what, where, when, how, why and more.
These may seem overly simple, yet with an effective visual organizer, you may feel more motivated to think through one of these, one at a time. Remember you can create hyperlinks to relevant information.
Andrew has killed his best friend, Rob Washington, in a car accident because he was drunk
<u>Effective nonverbal strategies for a presentation are:</u>
1- Standing up straight. If you stand up straight it shows self-confidence and great attitude towards the audience. It tells the people that you are relaxed and you handle the situation easily.
2- Moving around. Using all the area provided is essential. You should avoid standing in one place just repeating your presentation. You must move around the space and get the best out of it to make sure everyone in the audience is paying attention to you.
3-Making eye contact. Making eye contact with people is the key to be effective when giving a presentation. By doing this you ensure that people are effectively listening and understanding the speech. This also shows that you know about you are talking about.