After 30 selfless years of service to our company, Renalda Garwacki has chosen to take a little more time for herself. Therefore
, she has retired from the position of receptionist. With a new grandbaby on the way, Renalda looks forward to spending more time with her family. Renalda, enjoy your retirement: we will miss you. What kind of organizational pattern does the previous paragraph use? Semi-indirect Direct Indirect
We have three types of messages in the organizational pattern: direct, indirect and semi-indirect.
Direct messages are the most used or the most appropriate organizational pattern. Using these depends on the effect (positive or neutral) that the text we'll be sending has on the reader.
In this case, the message sent involves a positive attitude towards Renalda's situation, so the Direct Approach was the only appropriate organizational pattern.
Well that's true because when the slave holders get new slaves or sell slaves they act like animals and the slaves are treated LIKE animals and that's wrong. I hope this helps.