Germany, England, and France. As each nation is a member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the US has promised to deliver military aid if they have been invaded or attacked by another nation. So, the United States would send extra troops overseas to assist current groups stationed in Europe. In times of peace, it is most typically economically, but sometimes, US presence in times of increasing hostility is enough to cause the aforementioned hostilities to cease. In both times of war and peace, these nations should assist in the same way as the United States does.
No espanol holmes but my ppls gone getchu right
La historia nos ayuda a comprender el cambio y cómo surgió la sociedad en la que vivimos. La segunda razón por la que la historia es ineludible como tema de estudio serio sigue de cerca a la primera. El pasado causa el presente y, por tanto, el futuro.
Espero que te haya ayudado. Marque mi respuesta como la más inteligente
The main reason why the border states did not secede in 1860-1862 was because they were concerned with the large amount of military coercion that was taking place in the South, and they felt that the South was ultimately unjustified in removing itself from the Union.
Yes I think it is right :D