It's something of those ethnicities. Good luck!
Pretty sure it's a very sexist ad implying that women are not good drivers. But, my actual answer I would put that the ad itself is trying to put across the message that the GMP Mini-automatic is easy to drive. B
Irrigation highly depends on water sources in order for it to work. Without clean water, crops will die and wither. And polluted water causes filthy and contaminated trade routes, which are unsafe to travel across. Also, education has water fountains in the buildings (not sure now cuz of corona but clean water is used in school buildings.
Muslim forces repeatedly attacked the Christian Byzantine Empire.
In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire. The city was renamed Istanbul
The crusades were arguably started because of the constant attacks of the Muslim forces on the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire is the medieval version of the Eastern Roman Empire, and as explained in the question, it was a christian state.
In 1453, after a long siege, the Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople, which had been the Eastern Roman Empire for over 1,000 years. After the conquest, the Turks changed the name of the city to Istanbul.
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reduce government involvement in people's lives