<span>A central or a main idea is an idea around which your entire paper or essay or paragraph or whatever it is you're writing, revolves. You have a central idea that you're trying to convey and everything you write or say somehow relates to that idea and proves a point that you're trying to make.</span>
Setting your own goals is important because having goals means to make a focus in life.
If we have a goal in our life means we have something to focus on.
A person knows what he needs to achieve or what he can achieve. Then, that person also motivates himself to strive for it. Since that person is the one who needs to achieve that goal and work hard for it, someone else should not set goals for us.
Someone else doesn’t know our potential, neither he knows how we would work towards it. So, it is essential that we set our own goals and not someone else.
The answer to this question is b.
1. Analytic Language-uses word order rather than inflections to show grammatical relationships
2. Structural Punctuation- Emphasizes grammatical relationships of words in a sentence
3. Morpheme- The smallest unit of semantic or grammatical meaning: word, base, affix or inflection
4. Idiom- A form of expression peculiar to a particular language and approved by usage
<span>"so long as men can breathe or eyes can see
so long lives this, and this gives life to thee."</span><span>
means, s</span>o long as people can read this (the poem) <span>then the subject of the poem will live forever. </span><span>