Desayuno is breakfast in English.
Hey Leo this is a Spanish 1 question and ur in Spanish 3 so ummm step it up ;P
You can say:
Estudio espanol porque me gusta la clase de espanol y quiero aprender a hablar espanol.
That means:
I study spanish because I like spanish class and I want to learn and understand spanish.
Buena suerte on ur oral tomorrow :D:D
Bajativo, I think.
I hope this helps.
No lavarse la boca y comer mucho dulce
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).