I would say the subject is color, we get so wrapped in our own colors that we forget to sit back and enjoy the life and color that is around us, we get wrapped up in depression or sadness and we stay there. He’s trying to convey that this is dull and lifeless yes but all you have to do it add color
when you extend your hand for a handshake it shows you want to agree upon something with others.
Answer:The excerpt that best expresses the theme that all living things are a part of, and are guided by, a natural purpose is:
She's only filled with an old blind wish. It isn't even hers but came to her
Explanation:"The Turtle" is a poem by author Mary Oliver. The speaker in the poem talks of the beauty and effortlessness of turtle laying eggs in the sand. It's a sacred action, which the turtle itself cannot understand since the drive to do it does not come consciously. It is a purely instinctive drive, guided by nature. The speaker admires the turtle's determination and patience in completing the task while remaining unaware of itself as an individual. The turtle sees itself as the world, and the world as itself.