New people come to america each year and with them they bring their believes and traditions, its hard for people to adapt their selfs to other countries so they keep practicing their own religion and while immigration keeps growing religion will too
Caribbean islands had ideal climates for growing sugarcane, so much of the land was converted into sugarcane plantations. Sugarcane affected life in the Caribbean by making people wealthy and it also affected the Caribbean by having people want more money so they forced people <span>such as the Arawak and the Africans to become their slaves.</span>
Marked a break from the Neolithic culture of the Jomon and a shift toward a new culture that was probably influenced by immigrants from China and Korea.
1519 (March 4): The Spaniards land in what is now Veracruz. The natives greet him with gifts. A contingent from Tenochtitlán also arrives with gifts. Cortes showed force and demonstrated his canons, terrifying the messengers.
Cortes sinks all the ships except one small vessel, and moves to the city-state of Tlaxcala. Generally speaking they begin on friendly terms.
The Spanish went on to Cholula. It's unclear what happened, but in the end many people in the city were killed by the Spanish.
1519 (Nov 8): Cortes and army arrives at Tenochtitlán, and begin on good terms. However, Cortes takes charge and demands tribute and some Roman Catholic shrines to replace the Aztec gods.
Cortes returns to the coast to defeat a rival Spanish army. The remaining soldiers join him.
The Aztecs revolt, driving the Spanish from the city. Cuitláhuac becomes emperor.
The Spanish go to Tlaxcala and make an alliance with them.
Most Aztec cities are conquered, and a siege of Tenochtitlán begins.
1521 (13 August): The last Aztec emperor, Cuauhtémoc, surrenders to Cortes.