Triadic color scheme - the triad color scheme is three colors on the color wheel in a triangle. example orange, purple, green
Complementary color scheme - colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. complementary color schemes have a more energetic feel. the high contrast between the colors create vibrant looks. example blue and orange, red and green, purple and yellow.
hope it helps
please mark as brainliest
Answer: A) Overture
- Overture is a musical composition and introduction to opera, ballet or oratorio.
The actors of the play have to take their places when an overture begins and then wait for the rise of the curtain. After the curtain rising the play starts.
When hearing an overture, the audience can get an idea of music that would be in the play.
Season 2, Episode 31 - "The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain"
Time stamp: 14:13 (-9:50)
Double-checked on Hulu!! I love that episode XD
Rococo architecture emphasizes grace, ornamentation and asymmetry; Neoclassical architecture is based on the principles of simplicity and symmetry, which were seen as virtues of the arts of Rome and Ancient Greece, and were more immediately drawn from 16th-century Renaissance Classicism. Each "neo"-classicism selects some models among the range of possible classics that are available to it, and ignores others.