It presents the main idea of the entire composition
The effect of the rhetorical language that appears in this poster, "Every minute counts!" emphasizes the idea that viewers should be contributing to the war effort at all times."
In this poster there is a picture of a worker, standing with his right hand in his pocket and smoking a cigarette. There are ships in the background and a clock with a ten minutes section highlighted. This is a poster from World War II, issued in Great Britain. This poster underscores the idea that it's everyone's duty to contribute to the war effort at all times. Every minute is precious.
I think the incorrect pronoun shift would be the line "<span>before you adopt a pet". I think it should be before one adopts a pet. This is because the sentence started with "It is". The "you" made the sentence very confusing. The second pronoun should be singular, the pronoun you is often denoted as plural and not singular.</span>
"Fortunato" is an Italian derivation of the Roman proper name "Fortunatus." It refers to a Latin adjective which means "blest" or "fortunate." It is known popularly referenced in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 16:17, in which Fortunatus is one of the Seventy Disciples and serves as an ambassador to the Corinthian church. St. Paul writes in this verse:
I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived, because they have supplied what was lacking from you.
"Fortunatus," thus, went on to become relatively popular in the Catholic tradition, with many saints, martyrs, and clergymen taking up the name. This--as the other educators have pointed out--is deeply ironic given Fortunato's indulgent behavior throughout the story. Fortunato does not appear to possess the graces and qualities of a man of faith; rather, he seems to gratify his every whim and desire, no matter how base or low--drinking, gossiping, cavorting, and partying his way through life. The way in which he dies--being paved behind a wall while drunk--is hardly beatific or holy. He does not perish as a martyr, but rather as a fool.
Rude or disrespectful is hasty