i can not wright you all of it but i will give you pointers
1 gold
2 i would use it to get money then i would help all the homeless humans and animals
3 why i would do that is cuz it breaks my hart to see them like that
B. The other characters' views are left out
In first-person, the reader is only given the thoughts of a single character
The reason why "good vs. evil" is a universal theme is because there are always two forces at work one for good and one for evil and for every good/evil thing there is an evil/good thing that will go up against each other until the end of time or at least until one of them is defeated, but then another good/evil thing will appear to take it place.
Example 1:
Your in high school and there is a bully and you try to stop the bully from hurting others. This makes you the good force and the bully the evil force (he/she doesn't have to be "evil" per-say just bad or mean will do).
Yes, when she was a little kid. She learned later
Dear *insert name here*, im going to be absent for these three reasons:
1. I have a doctors appointment
2. I am sick
3. my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa died.