What does the Europeans want from these countries? Raw Materials. Why? During that time Great Britain industrial revolution was going on. You need raw materials like Iron to create products to sell. Boost europeans economy, so they exploit other countries.
How? Most common strategy they use was Divide and Conquer. They divide the country up, make them fight each other. Then use that weakness to control both sides. Europeans believe they have a far superior govt. than other countries, so they will "parent" other countries. Another way is promising them technology, medicine and education. Once again these countries they are imperializing are far from advanced than Great Britain.
The information found by Lewis and Clark showed many new places to settle, what the new land was like, and what could be accomplished in those areas. They found more land to farm and build homes. They also found some of the major rivers and landmarks of today.
Tropical, because their aren't any large dangerous animals, only snakes that could be avoided. They can fish or eat local produce, that the climate provides, so they probably wont starve. They wont freeze from hypothermia as long as they make fire by night, and they wont over heat like they would in the dessert, because they have trees to shade them and it is cooler by the water. Unlike in the dessert, or tundra the chance of finding clean water is greater, so they probably wont dehydrate. Also most tropical islands have coconuts they can also drink.
because large amounts of labor needed to be down when the colonies were just starting to form, which the settlers were over welmed or to lazy to do (which John Smith states.)
The continent of _____ was active in trade across the Mediterranean and Bharat Ocean XD