1. milliliters
2. inches but centimeters are also acceptable
3. grams
Supongo que solo trata de probar cuál es cuál con una prueba que inventas. eso es muy confuso
They are an invasive species, they kill off our beautiful salmon and other fish that we need to keep a good flow of fish exports and money flowing into our state. It's important to keep that balance so that both the pray and they predator in the lakes don't all die out.
Food webs and food chains.
A food web describes the flow of energy and nutrients through an ecosystem, while a food chain is a linear path through a food web
Amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin
Help in digestion of food by catabolizing nutrients into monomeric units
Hemoglobin, albumin
Carry substances in the blood or lymph throughout the body
Actin, tubulin, keratin
Construct different structures, like the cytoskeleton
Insulin, thyroxine
Coordinate the activity of different body systems
Legume storage proteins, egg white (albumin) Provide nourishment in early development of the embryo and the seedling