A woman has to constantly keep her wardrobe updated with the latest couture in trend, and in society where the self worth of a person is judged by the labels and brands she has. If she wears rubber boots they make fun of her and call her "bride of Frankenstein" so he got some hand me down dresses from her cousins who is 3 years older but the dress are outdated. Later on she lives in the west and learns that she shouldn't try to flaw and she should just be herself and what's in the inside is what counts and not the outside.
Well, although the most prevalent example right now is of course the coronavirus pandemic, events like this have happened all throughout history. Think of the Black Death: it swept through Europe, killing tens of thousands and pretty much ending the system of feudalism. Though in modern times these pandemics have less potential to upend systems, they remain game changers. The H1N1 epidemic - the Spanish flu - sent shockwaves throughout the globe because of its scope and lethality.
D. Past It fits the sentence best, because you don't go through the school and the supermarket to get somewhere, you got past it.
The type of idea is Implicit