The tele screen couldn't see him in that position in the book.
sine it talks about something but with an exception
The answer is A because they have a problem figuring out what their wedding should be.
The answer should be the option C the person feels like an outsider of a group
~ Shakespeare is timeless for one reason only: No matter what generation reads his plays and poems, he is always challenging. Challenging the reader is the essence of literature and challenging the audience is the essence of drama. Shakespeare accomplishes both.
If you are like me, you may sometimes read Shakespeare and be annoyed that he is difficult to read. But that is what makes him great. When you understand the beauty of his craft, you are truly being challenged as a reader and becoming a better reader. Too many of today's popular authors are not challenging: They are fun and exciting, but ask yourself, When was the last time you read a popular novel that was fun but also challenging?