1. Paola quiere una revista de ciclismo (Paola wants a cycling magazine)
2. Porque Miguel no entendió a la primera (Because Miguel didnt understand at first)
3. No, pero le dice donde conseguirlas (No, but he told her where to get it)
4. En la tienda de deportes (at sports shop)
The combined volume of Mercury and Venus is 9.888*10^11 km³
Step by step solution:
The volume of the planet Venus is about 928000000000 km sq cube:
Vv=928,000,000,000 km³=92.8*10^10 km³
The volume of the planet Mercury is about 6.08*10 to the power of 10:
Vm=6.08*10^10 km³
What is the combined volume of ;ercury and Venus?
The comined volume of Mercury and Venus is the sum of the two volume:
V=92.8*10^10 km³+6.08*10^10 km³
V=98.88*10^10 km³
V=9.888*10^11 km³