A big group of people who helped where jewish scientists who escaped Germany from 1933 to 1936. These people went on to work of the U.S governement in the Manhattan Project and created the first atomic bomb. Another group of people where some of the segregated units during the war such as the red tails. A only african American fighter battalion which assisted in bomber escorted and scouting missions. The 2nd group was a only Japanese unit. The 442nd. This unit was the most decorated and still is the most decorated unit to have ever served in the U.S Military. with 21 medal of honors awarded.
Potatoes , chocolate, corn, tomatoes were all foods that came to Europe by explorers.
In regard to regulating companies, Roosevelt wanted them to serve the public in the best way possible.
Hong Kong pumped billions of dollars of foreign exchange into China each year.
Hong Kong was governed by the United Kingdom for 1841 to 1941. Britain occuppated the territory during the First Opium War.
The Chinese-Hong Kong economy relationship has been interesting for China because they were complementary. China provided cheap labour and land while Hong Kong provided capital, management skills, marketing channels and infrastructure for external trading.
Earlier in the 1700s, the French & Indian war happened in which Great Britain was involved in. They made taxes so they could pay all of their soldiers for fighting in the war.