Read and think. I translated the text for you.
In Santiago, Chile, three people are looking for a new house and they read the ad on the right. Who do you think wants to buy a house?
José Guzmán:
I want to live pretty close to my work. It is important for my wife to have a an equipped kitchen. I would prefer a house with one floor because my parents are going to live with as and stairs are very difficult for them.
Alejandro Lara:
My parents and I live in an apartment right now. I want a house with three bedrooms because my cousins come to our house sometimes. I don't want a large house because I don't like to vacuum or clean the bathrooms.
Se eligió la imagen del
águila erguida sobre una nopalera devorando una serpiente
debido a que el gran Dios de los Mexicas
les indico a estos que donde encontrarán esa águila ese sería su tierra donde podrían construir su ciudad y la grandeza de ese pueblo.
Esa leyenda es la más difundida entre todas las leyendas y/o mitos que existen entre los diversos pueblos originarios.
Huitzilopochtli, el Dios de la Guerra de los Mexicas ordenó que se asentaran en ese lugar aunque era un lugar inhóspito pudieron, en base a un gran ingenio, habitarlo y sentar ahí su imperio.
Cotilleo mucho con mis amigas
1a) it's one o'clock
1b) it's quarter past one.
1c) it's half past one.
2a)it's three o'clock
2b)its quarter past three
2c) it's half past three
3a) it's quarter past seven
3b) it's quarter to seven.
3c) it's quarter to eight
4a)it's ten past ten.
4b) it's ten to eleven.
4c) it's ten to ten.