cell cycle (become two cells) or not grow
It shows the heliocentric idea of the solar system. In this view, the sun is at the center of the
solar system with planets orbiting around it. In the geocentric view, the earth is at the center of
the solar system.
Homointernal adalah hewan yang bersuhu tubuh panas dan tetap hewan-hewan ini adalah:
1)Ikan, terbagi
-ikan hiu
-ikan pari
2)Amfibi terbagi
4)Burung terbagi
Can predation result in selection for color patterns in guppies?
Researchers took guppies from their pools that is seen to have pikecichlid fish (a huge guppy predators) and then implanted it in another pools that is seen to have the killifish (they are not really active predators that prey wholly on the childish and immature guppies). They then estimated to see if the color patterns in the grafted or transferred population undergo some alterations in the course of time.
Food - increase in height
Predators - fast reproduction, fast in general
Heat/lack of water - Cam photosynthesis, storage of water
Predator/prey arms war - sensors along side to detect prey, sense of smell, etc