2. are not overheard
3. (not sure)
4. is never answered ; are kept
5. were watered ; was cut
6. is suspected; was arrested ; is being questioned ; is identified
7. was reorganized ; were moved
Because the skin is the toughtest fiber of the body
An uncharacteristically pale character and unrelenting disciple of fact, Bitzer almost stops Tom from fleeing after it is discovered that Tom is the true bank robber. Mr. McChoakumchild - The unpleasant teacher at Gradgrind’s school.
I would most likely to ask him in the first place to put his share in the work. I will ask the team members to help him if he is unable to understand the work. But if he is not doing his work just because he is too lazy to do that, then i would ask my supervisor or the team manager to give him warning and if he continues to do so, then we would least likely to demand of his firing out of the team.