What did Wilson do to Myrtle? Why? Wilson locked Myrtle in her room and planned to keep her there for 2 days. Wilson does this because he comes to believe that Myrtle is having an affair and wants to quickly move away.
I believe “satisfyingly” would work, the definition of satisfyingly is: “in a way that gives fulfillment or the pleasure associated with this.” The definition of “proudly” is: “with a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction in one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.” The word satisfy is used in the definition so I believe they are similar!
Authors sometimes organize their writing by problem and solution. The author will present a problem that needs to be solved. A problem can be between individuals or groups, or it might be with something that is going on in the world.
There are multiple reasons. The most simple answer is because the rain that we consider acidic has a low pH; it has a higher amount of hydrogen ions.
Why does this happen? One is because of the release of sulfur dioxide into the environment to which we humans often contributed. However, it is also possible that increased levels of nitrogen oxide would have this effect as well. And nitrogen oxide can be released through lightning or volcanic eruptions, so these are occurences in nature that don't have anything to do with humans.