none of the other ones fit correctly
According to Blumberg, the Salem of witch trails it was a really bad part of the United State. There were people who didn’t understanding why they were getting accused. This happened during the 1692 and 1693 in Massachusetts this was really happening during this time. The main parts that started and fueled the trials were politics, religion, family, feuds, economics, and the imaginations and fears of people (Sutter). The seeds of the hysteria is afflicted Salem village, Massachusetts were sown on January 1692 when groups of young lady’s began to display wild behavior. The physicians called to examine the girls could find no cause of the disturbing behavior. There was a fist case that brought to a special court an older woman was known with her gossipy habits and promiscuity. She was asked “if she deal with witchcraft. The lady was found guilty. June 10, she was the first lady to be hanged. Five people were hang in July and five August eight in September. June 2, 1692, a field hand testified that he saw Bishop’s image stealing eggs and then saw her transform into a cat. Hobbs probably insane Mary warren was confessed with witches. Ann Putnam claimed that Burroughs witched the soldiers during a failed military campaign again wabanakis in 1658-98. Fist of a string of military disasters that could be blamed an Indian- Devil alliance (Linder). Even with a harsh question by two magistrates and the unusual actions of the afflicted girls, Sarah good and Sarah Osborne maintained their innocence. Tituba, however, confessed for three days (Sutter).
dig up the influence of alcohol and drug administration
C. The target audience and the subject matter lend themselves better to visual media.
The reason why it would be better to include a video clip in this website is because the target audience and the subject matter lend themselves better to visual media. If the audience is interested in a sporting event, it is likely that they like to look at action and movement. Therefore, they are likely to enjoy videos. Moreover, the action of a sporting event lends itself well to a video format.