Most of the indigenous people are forced to adopt the Christian religion and the language of the conquerors, having the same luck the natives bought in Africa and brought to America as slaves. It also led the way of life typical of western civilization, cities, hospitals, universities, appearing individual law in America - indigenous civilizations affected a collective law. Clothing was remarkably transformed, according to the Christian religion, introducing new customs related to health and hygiene, and from the Enlightenment, Western science with its methods. While the History of the Philippines shows a large number of influences, cultures and races that settled and mixed in the archipelago. ... After the occupation of the Japanese Empire during World War II and its subsequent defeat, the Philippines achieved total independence from the United States in July 1946, that is why also the majority of Filipinos were taken by means of conquerors in order to enslave them without any right in their charge
Imperialism (generally in the form of an empire) —which is based on ideas of superiority and applying domination practices— is the set of practices that imply the extension of authority and control of one State or people over another. It can also be a political doctrine that justifies the domination of one people or State over others; usually through different types of colonization (settlement, economic exploitation, strategic military presence) or cultural subordination (acculturation). The American sociologist Lewis Samuel Feuer identified two main subtypes of imperialism: the first is "regressive imperialism" identified with pure conquest, unequivocal exploitation, reductions of unwanted peoples, and the settlement of desired peoples in those territories. The second type identified by Feuer is "progressive imperialism" which is based on a cosmopolitan vision of humanity, which promotes the expansion of civilization to supposedly backward societies to raise the standards of life and culture in the conquered territories, and the assignment of conquered people to assimilate into imperial society. Although the terms "imperialism" and "colonialism" are closely related, they are not synonymous.
Imperialism appeared throughout the world, and it spread throughout many territories, thus making this political practice more dominant.
The main axis of imperialism is always an authoritarian figure who decides above others and who is the one with the most power. Nowadays, with democracy, this imperial structure is practically not taken as a means of government in most of the countries of the world. world
With the exception of Israel, agriculture in the region remains undeveloped. TRUE
Israel is part of the Middle East. Majority of the Middle East countries except for Israel rely on imported food.
Over half the world's oil reserves can be found in the Middle East. TRUE
camel is the ideal domestic animal for deserts with long, dry, hot
periods of eight months or more and scarce, erratic annual rainfalls.
Camels can adapt in extremely harsh conditions. During hot weather conditions, camels can drink water every eight to ten days.
Which of the following countries has a well-developed agricultural system?
Israel has a well-developed agricultural system.
Why does it matter that there is a large gap between production and consumption of agriculture?
The agricultural imbalance threatens the stability and prosperity of the region.
QUESTION 6 – Can’t answer. Graph is missing
Which of the following countries has the smallest amount of known crude oil reserves?
Kuwait has the smallest amount of known crude oil reserves.
Which of the following countries is an oil-dry country?
Bahrain is an oil-dry country. Other oil-dry countries are Afghanistan and Israel.
a decrease in the world camel population between 1950 and 1980, why has
there been a recent resurgence of camels in the past decade?
High cost of fuel – camel is used as a pack and work animal
Large human population increase – demand for milk and meat of camel
Desertification of the Sahara – larger desert area requires increased use of camels
Why is the camel such an important animal in the Middle East?
The camel has an incredible ability to adapt to harsh conditions.
Which body of water separates India from Thailand and Malaysia?
The Bay of Bengal is the body of water that separates India from Thailand and Malaysia.
Which of the following countries is a small Himalayan nation found between India and China?
Nepal is a small Himalayan nation found between India and China.
Well if you are adding sides to something then that makes that object HAVE to go bigger. That will affect the area. So making it bigger by forcing more sides onto a object.This way making you area getting bigger. Hope that helped. :) :) :) :).
Loess is a sedimentary deposit that covers around 10% of Earth's land.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are in constant conflict over the land in the Middle East.
The Middle East is a region that is important for many reasons, and one of them is religious importance. This area is actually the birthplace of three major religions, the so-called Abrahamic religions. The three religions that emrged in this region are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in that order.
Judaism came first, and what is now Israel is considered as the holy land for this religion. Despite many attempts to forcefully removing the Jews from this area, some of them still managed to survive there and many more came back in the last century to reclaim what they consider as historically theirs.
Christianity emerged from Judaism. What is now Israel is also holy to it, and especially the city of Jerusalem. The claim of the Christians for this region is that their religion emerged there and its holy places have to be in their hands and no one else.
Islam came last, emerging from Christianity. Soon it became the dominant religion in the region through conquest and assimilation. It has been dominant in the area for over a milennium, so the claim is that it is historically theirs and since they managed to conquer the place it belongs to them.