Yeah ill be crying and itching and burning and ill try to run away or tell my parents NO
I want to say waterings but im not too sure
Answer: Discussing likes and dislikes with children helps know the bearing of their desires. It is always good to interact with them often times and make them have confidence in you so they can feel free and conquer their fears.
The three phases of the policy debate in order are constructive, cross-examination, and rebuttal.
Constructive: each side performs their opinion for or against the resolution. The first constructive are normally prewritten.
Cross-examination: supporting each effective speech is a short question-and-answer session. The debater asking questions is generally given control over the cross-x.
Rebuttal: each side counters to the evidence of the defense and crystallizes their own cases. Normally uniquely new proof/arguments are not deducted in these speeches.