Context clues
When watching a movie and you dont know trhe charicters name, what will you do? You could ask the date that brought you to watch this movie or you could use the skill you learned when you were little! See what the other charicters in the movie call this mystery person. That way you could still have an amazing date and still know whats going on.
She used a joyful tone. She's happy that she has grown up there.
Eloise expresses her gratitude for the housing project in many ways. She's not only grateful for the opportunity to have a house for her family but also she communicates how she fell in love with the commodities that came along with the project.
"We had a whole house all to ourselves. Upstairs and downstairs. Two bedrooms and the living room would be my bedroom at night."
"They started a choral group and presented music and poetry programs on Sunday evenings in the social room or on the playground. On weekends, they played horseshoes and softball and other games. They had a reading club that met once a week at the Langston branch of the public library after it opened in the basement of one of the apartment buildings"
Having enjoyed various activities in the playground and being able to just walk to a library nearby, Eloise conveys the idea of how the Langston Terrace had become more than just an in-between place until they acquired their own house. The site had become a place she's fond of, a place she feels glad to have grown up in.
"For us, Langston Terrace wasn’t an in-between place. It was a growing-up place, a good growing-up place with neighbors who cared, family, friends, and a lot of fun. Life was good. Not perfect, but good."
Not an oxymoron, because that is when you juxtapose 2 opposites. "Stupid genius"
Not onomatopoeia, because that is using the sound something makes to describe it. "buzz of a bee"
Not analogy, because that us a comparison between two things to explain. "an orange is like a mango, just different"
A refrain is the repetition of certain lines, like a chorus.
Am no professional but enlargement would do but she should first talk to a physician and you shouldn't worry about your breasts there's more to life that just that
Ponyboy is intelligent and gets good grades in school. He is empathetic toward his friends—as well as selfless and brave, as is demonstrated in his reaction to the church fire.