playing on a team helps you to build character. It helps teach discipline, which is something every person needs to include in their lives. Discipline is something that everyone should practice in life and working in a group it's something that is necessary for any aspect in life. A team sport also encourages people to work with others as they try to reach for the same goal. Team sports help build character because they teach people discipline, how to work in a group, and how to have good sportsmanship. Playing on a team helps you learn how to co-operate, make friends, and respect others. Playing on a team helps people to work well with others. They teach you not only how to lead, but how to take directions from someone else. This is a skill that will be very valuable in the workforce, as most people have careers where they need to interact and work with others as a team. Team sports teach teamwork, which is valuable to know in life. Participating in team sports also helps individuals to be able to handle stressful situations and make split second decisions. Team Sports are great for people to participate in, and can teach lessons that expand into the real world.