Because of the large amount of labour saved by giving workers specialized tasks in Industrial Revolution-era factories, some classical economists as well as some mechanical engineers such as Charles Babbage were proponents of division of labor.
Controversial flag that flew over Georgia from 1956-2001 due to the flag's prominent Confederate emblem. = <span>1956 State Flag
</span><span>Leader in the Civil Rights movement; leader of the Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee; U.S. Representative (1986-present). = </span><span>Congressman John Lewis
</span>The famous jobs and civil rights march led by Dr. Martin Luther King, where he gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. = <span>March on Washington
</span><span>Federal legislation, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964, that forbade discrimination on the basis of race and sex in
hiring, firing, and promotion = </span><span>Civil Rights act of 1964
</span>Civil rights organization by college students that urged non-violent protests and sit-in; They organized voter registrations in the South and led the Albany Movement. = <span>Student Non-Violent Coordination Committee
</span><span>Supreme Court cases that struck down the policy of separate but
equal and mandated the desegregation of public schools. = </span><span>Brown vs the Board of Education
</span><span>Investigation by lawyer John Sibley to determine what should be done about
integration in the state; though 60% of Georgians claimed they would rather close the public schools than
integrate, Sibley recommended that public schools desegregate on a limited basis. = </span><span>Sibley Commission</span>
business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services through a complex network of prices and markets.
economic system in which private individuals and business firms carry on the production
The correct term is voter turnout.
Voter turnout represents a percentage of how many eligible voters came out and participated in a recent election. Demographics refers to breaking down individuals who voted in elections based on different factors like race. The other two terms are somewhat unrelated to voting.