Answer: Algunas publicaciones le atribuyen erróneamente a Hrdlička haber postulado la teoría más moderna, aquella que señala que el hombre cruzó caminando por una zona llamada puente de Beringia formado a raíz del descenso del nivel de las aguas del estrecho de Bering, durante el último período glacial.
Answer: 1. Manufacturing
2. Banking
3. Construction
Explanation: Though the War of 1812 severely damaged the American economy because of the British blockade, the aftermath gave a dramatic boost to certain sections that helped rebuild the American economy.
The British blockade of the American coast created a shortage of cotton cloth, leading to the development of American manufacturing capabilities, with the creation of a cotton-manufacturing industry at Waltham, Massachusetts.
The Americans were incapable of financing the war and this exposure of the nation's financial weaknesses fueled the decision by Congress to charter the Second Bank of the United States in 1816.
The war also encouraged the construction of the Erie Canal, a project that was built to promote commercial links but could also be used for military purposes if there was ever a need for it.
Kristallnacht (also known as the "The Night of Broken Glass") was a major riot and violent action against the Jewish people. the Germans also assassinated. diplomat Ernst vom Rath who was a polish Jew. the Broken Glass name came from the Germans who smashed the windows of Jewish-owned stores.
The spread of the bubonic plague from Central Asia into Europe decimated the populations but increased opportunities for the survivors. An enormous variety of new consumer goods, agriculture, weaponry, religion, and medical science became available in Europe.