There are 82 billionaires with homes in New York City—here's where to find them. There are 2,043 billionaires in the world as of 2017, according to tracker of the wealthy Forbes, and 82 of those 10-digit folks have homes in New York City.You mean like dropping $16,000 in a club a night for four nights straight? I’ve done that but that’s show off rich. Really rich people don’t do stuff like that. (really rich parents KIDS do stuff like that) it’s got its perks. But like I said in one of my other posts, it can be very depressing. (If you are real with yourself) you can be the smartest best most intelligent, charming, have an Aston blah blah ALL the money, but you have a target on your back man. you can’t trust anyone. Why do you think prenups exist? That was designed for legacy’s to flourish and thrive. Not for the average Joe. You’ll never know who likes YOU for you or for how many satochis’ you acquired back in 2012. When I go out, I dress down.. Flip flops, NO jewelry except for my black&blue face Rolex sea dweller (very tasteful) it can be worn with anything. I don’t carry a wallet, never go out with my car. I have an old iPhone 6s I’m happy with. I have nothing to prove. Besides, someone else always has more money than ME and I always have more money than someone else. But you couldn’t be able to tell by the way I dress. To answer your question, having resources means you don’t have to settle for anything. 4 star hotels, transportation at your fingertips, mutually beneficial physical companionship on the fly, high end German car in my garage and exotic car rentals on the weekends. Do you really think I give what people think about my flip flops? I think not.
Cotton, could be used in a multitude of products. from clothes to furniture. Cotton could also be harvested all year in the south due to the high temperatures. With the addition of free slave labor. A planter could make a profitable amount of money.
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1. What is the meaning of a good life?
2. Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from past generations?
3. Have we become less happy in this age of technology?
4. Are humans obligated to better themselves and will that make them happier?
5. Is having a big ego a negative trait or a positive trait?
6. Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?
7. Does life require a purpose and a goal?
8. Is it easier to love or to be loved?
9. Do acts of kindness have a motive?
10. Is love simply physical desire or something more?
Explanation: These questions are the top ten preferred questions that I ( personally) would ask to a Philospher. As a great advice to anyone who's reading this, I prefer you to not ask anything about religion. It could mentally offend a Philospher just as much as anyone else.
Maybe because they wanted to get something precious or useful or powerful for them