The meaning of 25% off is that you only have to pay 75% of the price on the jacket.
I believe the correct translation is: In the battle of Zama,
Hannibal was overcome by Roman armies and second Punic war was finished at last.
This sentence is refers to the historic Battle of Zama
(Tunis) at the end of the Punic war, the war between Carthage and Roman Empire.
Because the war was against Carthage to this war is also referred to
Carthaginian war or Hannibalic war as the army of Carthage was led by Hannibal,
so you may put that in your translation if you will. Also, words such as army and
overcame may be exchanged for troop or overwhelm. This sentence is whole
written in passive voice of perfect indicative.
Answer: D
Explanation: Every other answer says “I”, when writing a hook, you never say I, but instead get the reader interested with facts.
El género literario de la ciencia ficción es diverso, y su definición exacta sigue siendo una cuestión controvertida tanto entre eruditos como entre devotos. Esta falta de consenso se refleja en los debates sobre el género historia, particularmente sobre la determinación de sus orígenes exactos. Hay dos campos de pensamiento amplios, uno [cita requerida] que identifica las raíces del género en los inicios fantásticos obras como la epopeya sumeria de Gilgamesh (las primeras versiones del texto sumerio c. 2150-2000 a. C.). Un segundo enfoque sostiene que la ciencia ficción solo fue posible en algún momento entre el siglo XVII y principios Siglo XIX, tras la revolución científica y los principales descubrimientos en astronomía, física y matemáticas.
<h2>●♡ <em>jess </em>bregoli ♡●</h2>
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