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wellHistorians have identified several causes that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, including: tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.
An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio, 1787. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories. ...
Supporters of the Prohibition, such as the preacher Billy Sunday, expected that the Prohibition would encourage people to become religious, decrease the violent crime rate, fix the problems of society, and put the liquor distillers out of business. Widespread religious fervor and religious revival were central features of the Prohibition era. Preachers announced that the millennium was coming soon and, as a result, people stopped drinking hard spirits and attempted to live a life of perfection. This in turn, decreased the violent crime rate and attempted to fix the problems of society.
Americans, during the Great Depression, found many ways to live off of bare minimum because of the lack of resources during the depression. One thing they used was called Victory Gardens, which were gardens that families would start themselves so they could save money and resources by growing their own food. Another method of savings that was utilized was embracing frugality, which meant they would uptake a mindset of buying the exact necessities in order to get by.