Sugar was a large commodity in Cuba and it helped make up a large amount of it's economy and after the tariff Cuba had lost its largest sugar buyer and it killed the economy
USA had a better navy. (The White Fleet?)
USA was backed by guerrlia warfare in the Philippines.
USA had terrible guns going against the Spanish in the San Juan hill.
The USA Springfield Gun 1892 - 99 side clip was highly inefficient compared to the Spanish Mauser.
The Spanish had more firepower the Maxim beat the Gattling Gun.
The bombing of an African American Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 15th, 1963, by the Klu Klux Klan.
Federal, Local, State
Because there is a the local government, which governs cities, towns, and villages; the state government, which governs states; and the federal government, which governs the entire country.
Hopes this helps you :).
The reason why Japanese Emperor Hirohito authorize his military to bomb Pearl Harbor in the late 1941 was because he has hopes in destroying the U.S navy that is residing in Pearl Harbor.