The Code of Hammurabi, (or Codex Hammurabi) is a set of 282 laws
and penalties devised by the Babylonian King, Hammurabi, in
approximately 1700 BC.
Plundering time was c) a series of attacks on Maryland that drove the governor out of the colony
* The Eighteenth Amendment.
* Was illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport liquors.
* Women's Christian Temperance Union.
* National Prohibition Party.
* Bargain Days.
* Prohibition was dangerous to society.
* Tainted industrial alcohol.
* Would make you'r own alcohal.
* High emorals.
* Was know lower life social field.
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the U.S. imposed and subsequently tightened a comprehensive set of restrictions and bans against the Cuban government, ostensibly in retaliation for the nationalization of U.S. corporations' property by Cuba.
i have a sister and a half brother
my sister is 5 about to be 6 and she is doing good
my 1/2 brother is 6 about to be 7 in 2 months and he is i think doing okay he does not live with me so i don't know really how he's doing but that last time i saw him he was doing great
And lastly there's me i am 13 and i am the oldest of both of them