Answer in the gene for that characteristic cause these different forms. ... These two copies of the gene contained in your chromosomes influence the way your cells work. The two alleles in a gene pair are inherited, one from each parent. Alleles interact with each other in different ways
The answer is: reversing the current direction will cause the force deflecting the wire to perpendicular to the magnetic field but in the opposite direciton.
Hope this helps!
<u>Answer</u>: The answers are matched as follows:
African forests have been hunted to near extinction levels to obtain ivory-------------->human exploitation
The eruption of mount Saint Helens destroyed some populations of conifers------> natural disasters
An infection with a fungus reduced the population of North American Elm trees ----> disease
Increasing global temperatures have altered migration patterns of humpback whales ------>climate change
- <em>Human</em> <em>exploitation</em> is the unethical or selfish use of resources to satisfy their own personal needs or for any profitable activity which harms the resources in such a way that they get limited. Humans have been hunting elephants to obtain ivory for many purposes such as making jewellery etc. and earning profits from it. Due to such extensive hunting they have driven the elephants to a level of extinction and thus, this is a form of human exploitation.
- Mount Saint Helens is a volcano and its eruption which harms the population of the trees in the area is a form of natural disaster since volcanic eruption is a <em>natural</em> <em>phenomena</em>.
- Fungal infection is a <em>disease</em> which is cause by the microorganisms which harms the population of the Elm trees.
- Increase of global temperature is a type of climate <em>change</em> and thus, this effect of alteration of migration pattern is caused by climate change.
Volcanic eruptions spew alot of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases when mixed with rain and run into oceans increase their pH. Additionally, these gases are greenhouse gases that increases atmospheric temperatures and consequently those of the seas and oceans.
Low pH and high temperatures kill marine life.
Therefore, a dihybrid organism is one that is heterozygous at two different genetic loci. In 1865, Gregor Mendel performed dihybrid crosses on pea plants and discovered a fundamental law of genetics called the Law of Independent Assortment.