I got you hon.
Consider --- Contemplate
Center --- Nucleus
Dangerous --- Perilous
Rise --- Ascent
Sudden --- Precipitate
Clearly --- Manifestly
Vertical --- Perpendicular
See photo below.
The first time I visited my dream college, I could not believe that the teachers, students, and parents all came together for the Homecoming football game every year.
The word "sole" used in the text to utter a pun together with the word "single" and to stimulate the creation of a joke about the state Romeo was in, as he was single and suffering from a Platonic love he felt for Rosaline .
This excerpt, shown in the question above, was taken from the play "Romeo and Juliet" written by Shakespeare, who was an author who used many puns in his works, making trivial jokes that promoted a comic relief or hid meanings that would be revealed in the course of history.
02. leaving child hood behind to become a man
ya I need some topics for an essay and some tips how to write the essay