Odysseus's curiosity gets him and his crew into danger in book 9 of The Odyssey. ... Odysseus has to go rescue his men from the fruit of the Lotus Eaters and get them back to the ship. When Odysseus and his men see the country of Cyclopes, they decide to explore it without cause.
Odysseus must physically drag or carry each of them back to the ship. At the island on which Polyphemus, the Cyclops, lives, Odysseus's men try to convince him to take food and return to the ship, but he refuses.
<h3>Book 10 :- </h3>
The winds escape and stir up a storm that brings Odysseus and his men back to Aeolia. Only Odysseus's ship escapes. From there, Odysseus and his men travel to Aeaea, home of the beautiful witch-goddess Circe. Circe drugs a band of Odysseus's men and turns them into pigs.
The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea. Having escaped the Cyclops, Odysseus and his men arrive at the home of Aeolus, master of the winds, where they are greeted warmly and hosted for a month.