According to President Reagan, the Challenger crew
members were committed explorers like Sir Francis Drake.
According to President Reagan, the Challenger crew members were committed explorers like Sir Francis Drake because they were committed to exploring the space as Sir Francis Drake was committed to exploring the sea, and both the Challenger Crew members and Sir Francis Drake died during their exploration and by its environment, which was the sea for Drake and the space for the crew.
they cannot take much or any joy in their achievements
When Charlie asks about Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, Grandpa Joe tells him lots of stories, including the one about Prince Pondicherry. He also tells Charlie about the spies, and those mysterious workers who never leave the factory.
The writer presents the differences between traditional and modern society in the matter of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing.
Correct answer # 2: The world's nations must cooperate; one nation cannot solve the world's problems by itself.
When you connect two related independent clauses or sentences you use a semicolon. Both sentences should be completed grammarly writtend and with a connection. Make sure you do not write a capital letter after the semicolon, unless it is a proper name.
Answer # 3 is incorrect as there is a capitalized word
Answer # 1 it is incorrect to use "for" as the sentence is grammarly completed