A. carboxyl group
amino - is nitrogen containing
sullf - is sulfur containing
I'm not positive but i believe it would be a ruler with millimeters and centimeters
Answer & explanation:
This acidity in our stomach is advantageous because it kills most bacteria and creates the ideal environment for the enzymes pepsin and gastric lipase to digest food.
The pH corresponds to the hydrogen potential of a solution, this potential can be classified as acid, basic or neutral.
Respuesta y explicación:
Esta acidez en nuestro estómago es ventajosa porque mata a la mayoría de las bacterias y crea el ambiente ideal para que las enzimas pepsina y lipasa gástrica digieran los alimentos.
El pH corresponde al potencial de hidrógeno de una solución, este potencial se puede clasificar como ácido, básico o neutro.
Answer: transporting substances in a cell
Why: In eukaryotic cells, endomembrane system refers to the set of membranes present inside the cytoplasm which form single functional and developmental unit. The membranes are either connected directly or indirectly and exchange material with the help of vesicle transport. The main function of this system is to modify, pack and transport the proteins and lipids in and out of the cell. The main organelles which form the endomembrane system are- nuclear membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vesicles.