b. mental set in his problem-solving.
Hello! Instead of doing homework in the traditional way and only using one way to solve algebra exercises, Rylee strives to find different options and techniques. Not falling into the monotonous is his work style, nor using the same techniques that I use to solve a previous exercise since that gives more room for error.
African American abolitionists acted as slave captures if they had a lighter skin and thousands of slaves were able to escape
The Answer is shown below in the explanation space.
Map of the Azande region in South Sudan
Here, Magic is used to combat or fight witchcraft, which is seen as the cause of all misfortune.
Map of the Songhay region in the Republic of Niger
Here, Magic or Sorcery may be used to harm others or fight perceived enemies.
Map of the United States
Here, Professional athletes perform rituals and use magic to help them win.