It is hard to comprehend your question. As far as I understand:
f(x,y) = e^(-x)
Find the volume over region R = {(x,y): 0<=x<=ln(6), -6<=y <= 6}.
That is all I understood. It would be easier to understand with a picture or some kind of visual aid.
Anyways, to find the volume between the surface and your rectangular region R, we must evaluate a double integral of f on the region R.

Now evaluate,

which evaluates to, 5/6 if I did the math correct. Correct me if I am wrong.
Now integrate this w.r.t. y:


1 answer which would be -5+5 which =0
Step-by-step explanation:
You have to subtract do it will come out as 175. learn how to subtract big digets and then you will know how to do it tell your teacher that you need help with that.