Answer: they are used to measure and keep things precise during constuction
Explanation: because if you watch videos and look up info and research it tells you about their jobs and what they use for their jobs
Freaking out on the interstate, meet me in the hallway, driver’s license , flashing lights
Le parti principali del tessuto linfatico sono il midollo osseo, la milza, la ghiandola del timo, i linfonodi, i linfonodi e le tonsille.
- 40% ; 20%
Obese workers spend nearly 40% more on health care than normal weight adults, adds about 20 percent to healthcare spending.
-Obesity is one of the biggest drivers of preventable chronic diseases and healthcare costs in the United States. Obese adults spend 42 percent more on direct healthcare costs than adults who are a healthy weight.
-Costs for patients presenting at emergency rooms with chest pains are 41 percent higher for severely obese patients, 28 percent higher for obese patients and 22 percent higher for overweight patients than for healthy- weight patients.