the role it will take it will give african americans poll tax and the right to vot but not really the right to vote after the cilvil war
British occupation lasted until 1954, with the Anglo-Egyptian agreement of 1954. The modern Republic of Egypt was founded in 1953, and with the complete withdrawal of British forces from the Suez Canal in 1956, it marked the first time in 2500 years that Egypt was both fully independent and ruled by native Egyptians.
After the War of 1812, America' sense of social and political unity was at an all time high, especially after fending off the British for the second time in less than 50 years. To describe this period of American unity, a Boston newspaper described this time of the "Era of Good Feelings." This title represented both the unity in America's moral after defeating the British, but it also refers to the lack of arguing/fighting in politics. This era brought the collapse of the Federalist party, with only the Democratic-Republican party remaining. This party began to unit and settle several differences that divided them prior to the war. This era lasted less than a decade and would precede some of the most divisive eras in American history.
Yes because a lot of things can be done with words, look at Ghandi or Martin Luther King Junior's "I have a Dream" speech.
Because they're dumb... JK