racism in 1988 and racism in 2021 was similar because black people are still getting killed by white police officers and black people still earn less money than their white counterparts and still can be racist by saying offensive slurs, blackfishing and . racism in 1988 and racism in 2021 are different because we have social media, and petions to sign and more protest to demand for justice.
When a person wont listen to advice from his/hers peers, don't rely on that person.
I looked up at the night sky, but I couldn’t see any stars.
ok also if this is for homework change it up a bit incase they have originallity report also this is like a dhar man script
Hi friend 1 hi friend 2 wanna go to the mall friend 1 ok friend 2 goes to the mall
robber 1 EVERYBODY GET ON THE GROUND friend 1 ok friend 2 ok
robber 1 HEY YOU WHATS YOUR NAME friend 1 friend 1
robber 1 WELL THATS SOME NICE JEWLERY GIVE ME IT friend 1 please no its was my grandmothers robber 1 WELL I DONT CARE friend 2 punches robber
robber 1 panicks and friend 2 and robber have huge fight friend 2 wins the fight but is badly injured robber 1 gets arrested friend 2 has serious injuries and will die if he does get treated but he doesnt have enough money. friend 1 is sad and post the story on go fund me. overnight go fund me page blows up. Friend one gives money for treatment to friend 2. Friend 2 lives and happy ever after.