it should be E definitely
Well first we shall start with
1) After the French and Indian War the British put the Proclamation of 1763 that banned settlement west of the Appalachian mtns in order to prevent further Native-Settler conflict however the colonist viewed that they deserved the land after their participation in the F and I War.
2) The colonist were also angry because of their inferior treatment during the F and I War.
3) The British began to heavily tax the American colonies to help pay off their war debts(Tea Tax, Stamp Tax etc....)
4) Britain closely restricted colonial trade which forbid the colonists from trading with anyone except the British
5) The British also passed the Abominable Acts which were a set of laws that composed of the Quartering Act and others like it that the colonists viewed as invasion of privacy in the highest degree
The prohibition banned alcohol in America. Many people didn't want it banned while many people did want it banned. This divided the nation by having two opposing sides of a big "problem"
Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish.
Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming.
In addition, because they provided a steady supply of drinking water.
Moreover, goods and people could be transported easily
Finally, River valleys not only have water, they also often have a broad, flat floodplain that is readily adapted to agriculture.
Clause 1, the freedom of the English Church. Clause 9 the "ancient liberties" of the City of London.Clause 29 a right to due process.Clause 42 its lawful for subjects to leave the kingdom without prejudicing their allegiance (except for outlaws and during war) Clause 62 pardoned those who had rebelled against the king