Don’t know but it’s probably Elizabeth, or James
The correct answer would be openness-privacy.
Relational Dialectic is a theory describing communication patterns in interpersonal relationships (in romantic relationships, friendships and family relationships). This theory mainly explains the struggles and tensions that surface between relationships.
The internal dialectics include:
Openness-Privacy is a dialectic that describes an individual's desire to communicate openly, while being entitled to a certain degree of privacy on <em>some matters</em>. For instance, in this case, Anna and Greg are seemingly good friends and share a lot of conversations on various subjects; however, Anna dislikes Greg's incessant questions regarding the problems she has with her boyfriend because to Anna this subject falls in a more personal domain and she does not want to disclose private matters with Greg, though they talk a great deal.
Hope this helps!
Translated to English this is
I like character which is characteristic of a happy prince
This is hindi translated to english
“Are you all right” - Portuguese
In prima zi de scoala, un baiat pe nume Andrei care era cam somnoros. La ora 7:00 ma i-a spus baiatului :
-Andrei, scoala-te ! Astazi este prima ta zi de scoala !
Andrei raspunse balbait :
-Imi... este somn...
In cele din urma, Andrei s-a trezit si s-a dus la scoala.