The field is Taxonomy and the scientific name is
Binomial Nomenclature
c. moved from one species to another
During lateral gene transfer, one or more genes from one mature, independent organism are transferred to another. Here, the donor and recipient organisms may belong to different species. Lateral gene transfer in prokaryotes occurs by mechanisms such as transformation, conjugation, and transduction. For example, the genes for antibiotic resistance have been spread in the species of bacteria by lateral gene transfer.
Scientific explanations are accepted when there is sufficient evidence to prove them right. In addition, scientific explanations must be logical to be acceptable and must match as much evidences as possible.
- Scientific explanations explain something about the natural world by making use of observations and measurements.
- These are usually tentative proposals that need to be verified or proved to be true.
- The observations and measurements must prove the scientific explanation to be true or must support it so that it becomes acceptable.
The mice died
In Griffith's experiment, two strains of the same bacteria were used. S strain was smooth because it had a polysaccharide coat. This coat also made it virulent because mouse immune system was not able to destroy it and ultimately the mice died. R strain was rough because it did not have the coat and thus was harmless to mice.
When Griffith injected mice with dead S bacteria and living R bacteria together, the mice died. Live R bacteria had taken up the genetic material or as Griffith called "transforming principle" from the dead S bacteria and transformed into S bacteria. So live S bacteria were present again and they killed the mice.
Two or more organs form together make organ systems.
The basic unit of living organisms is the cell. Multiple cells makes up tissues and tissues make up organs. Two or more organs make up the organ system.
Human body has several organ systems. The organs that make up an organ system can be internal as well as external. Respiratory system is made up of organs like lungs, nose, pharynx, trachea, diaphragm etc. digestive system is made with organs like liver, small intestine, stomach, mouth , large intestine, pancreas etc.