woman, girl, country, city
Three types of language are:
receptive language
expressive language
pragmatic language
The sentence which possesses a tone that would be most appealing to a professor is:
d. Please allow me the opportunity to argue for a better grade.
A situation such as this, in which you need to address someone who is hierarchically superior to you and who has the power to change something that affects you, demands a certain type of tone and style. Since this refers to you addressing a professor, we can assume the use of formal language will be seen in more of a positive light. But that is not all. Politeness and diplomacy are also crucial. Take a look at option B, for instance. Even though the language is fine, it lacks diplomacy. It accuses the professor of having been sloppy, which will most likely offend him.
<u>The best option is letter D. It uses formal language, and the sentence itself is polite, without any unnecessary assumptions or accusations.</u>
Some of the questions are unclear.
4. ... money in my pocket because I am afraid <u>of losing it. </u>
5. ... finish on time <u>in spite of</u> our best efforts.
6. Help <u>yourself </u>to some cookies!
7. Helen's never late so she<u> must </u>be held up in traffic.
8. Randy succeeded<u> in qualifying</u> for the 100 m sprint.
9. Northern Europe's economies are heavily<u> dependent on</u> natural resources.
10.<u> At first I</u> didn't look forward to exercising at the gym, but now I really enjoy it.
11. If you'd been more attentive, you <u>would have heard</u> what the teacher was saying.
12. As soon as Sarah<u> comes </u>in, ask her to help you.
One reason may be that persons younger than 18 will not always make responsible decisions, so entrusting them with electing officials might not be prudent.
A person younger than 18 might not vote for themselves, to reflect their own beliefs, but they might be influenced or even pushed to vote for a representative or measure of their parents' choosing.
People younger than 18 generally are not educated enough about politics and policies to make smart choices when it comes to voting.
Hope this helps!