To look at the gimnasio (gym)
The other answers are about talking to someone. In this case what is his idea for (finding) William.
Answer: to look at the gimnasio
Hope it helped
I think its transitive verb
When we discuss sport there are three verbs that we use: play, go and do. For example: "I play table-tennis." "I go fishing. "
1. mecánico esdrújula
2. Álgebra esdrújula
3. Conocimiento grave
4. Burbuja grave
5. Quíteselo grave
6. Panteón aguada
7. Clásico esdrújula
8. Lágrima esdrújula
9. Buscaré aguda
10. Veintidós aguda
11. Dígaselo sobresdrújula
12. Brócoli esdrújula
13. Festividad grave
14. Rápido esdrújula
15. Aereolínea esdrújula
16. Búscalos esdrújula
17. Hipopótamo esdrújula
18. Muchachito grave
19. Páncreas esdrújula
The correct answer is "dijimos", in the past, "decimos" in the present, "diremos" in the future.