The quote is by Irish historian and Politican James Bryce.
With the quote, Bryce is explaining that in democracy, citizens not only have political rights, but are also expected to engage actively in the political process: by voting for their representatives, by keeping an eye on public affairs, and so on.
At the same time, Bryce is saying that citizen dedication to democracy results in benefits for the people: the benefit of political freedom and civil liberties, and also the benefit of a better life made possible under this political system.
Actually, in a very strict sense none of the answers is correct, an the province that includes Labrador is called Newfoundland and Labrador - but the closest answer is a).
The total population of this province is under half a million people, with only 30 000 on the island of Labrador.
It was the only way for the British to understand that America was going to be free and independent.