C). The charter for Jamestown
The correct document to fill the red box would be 'The charter for Jamestown' as it was issued in the year 1606 which preceded the 'Mayflower Compact' in 1620 which passed the idea of just and equal rules for self-governance. 'The First Virginia Charter' is characterized as the document issued by King James I in 1606. The document allocated the colonists with land rights with the key aim to disseminate Christianity. The first settlers were instructed for composing a ruling council and appoint members for the executive group. Thus, <u>option C</u> is the correct answer as the other documents were released after the 'Mayflower compact.'
As India celebrates 70 years of independence from the British, there is an alternative lens to view the history of the two nations. A history not solely defined by the Raj, but one that evolved during a period in the mid-eighteenth century before British rule became entrenched. I’d go so far to argue that to fully understand 1947, you have to understand how the British entered India in the 1770s.
Back then, when the future wasn't yet written, there was still a possibility of exchange between cultures. This exchange would not be available when racial stratification and ‘us’ versus ‘them’ polarities became the norm. It was a time of acceptance and rejection, when class, rather than skin colour was often the over-riding factor of difference.
Temperature, food, pollutants, population density, sound, light, and parasites.
El país en el que se inició la Revolución Industrial fue Inglaterra, en un período que fue desde 1760 hasta 1820. Las razones principales para este proceso fueron el desarrollo del mercantilismo, por el cual las naciones europeas comenzaron a acaparar dinero en metálico (oro, plata, etc.) y la gradual pérdida de las colonias que estas naciones tenían a lo largo del planeta, con lo cual los recursos naturales comenzaron a tener que ser explotados más efectivamente. Así, se buscó crear un sistema de producción de manufacturas que permitiera una mas rápida y efectiva producción de mercaderías.
Este proceso no se dio en Argentina por dos razones fundamentales: principalmente, porque Argentina en ese momento era una colonia del Reino de España que no podía determinar en forma propia su destino económico; por el otro, porque el territorio argentino se encontraba en su mayoría abocado a la producción agricologanadera destinado a abastecer a las naciones europeas.