Act iii: Macbeth orders to kill banquo, but his son escapes. Macbeth and lady Macbeth can’t sleep and Macbeth is becoming a monster. Macbeth sees banquo ghost. Macbeth pays a visit to the witches
Act iv: Macbeth orders to kill macduff’s family(or burn them). Macduff received the news of his dead family from Ross. Malcolm encourages macduff to change his grief into anger towards Macbeth they both get together to kill Macbeth
Act v : lay Macbeth sleep walking leads to her death but Macbeth doesn’t take her death seriously and says that he Hal’s almost forgotten the taste of fear Macbeth troops leave Macbeth in time of war between macduff macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes king of Scotland
I belive its the falling action.
3. I did it wrongly
4. They don't read books
5. You didn't ask me any question
6. She did nothing
7. He doesn't do his homework
8. He didn't buy some guavas
9. I don't sleep well
10. He doesn't reach English
11. He didn't buy anything yesterday
12. He so much disrespected me yesterday
13. My friend doesn't work in London
14. He opened the door
15. We didn't buy any grape
16. They haven't started their work
17. I am not fine
18. Either Sisa or Rita is bad
19. Hari seldom visit Pokhara
20. Nobody is sitting there
Tree house of sorts. Yet us