In the explanation
If you are used to leaving the lights on, the fan on, or the water running then that could pose a big problem when you have to pay bills, because you are paying more than you normally would.
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The anger comes from the misplaced objectives of both North and South. No party, according to this speech, was willing enough to see peace as a worthwhile alternative to a war that was inevitable given what each thought. This thought comes at the end of paragraph 2.
The history of the Bible's response to this kind of thing is put there to shift a proper religious interpretation of what the war actually meant, and what prayer actually accomplished, and how a loving God would respond to such prayer.
The shift is absolutely concluded right at the beginning of the next paragraph, It, in fact, begs the nation to seek healing. Lincoln hopes that the war will be put away quickly and the union will once again be one.
Confirm that the text's organizational structure is clear.
When revising word choice, you are trying to make your sentences' wording and structure clearer to the reader.
If we're talking about preparing to write an essay or any story, the answer is false.